First of its kind molecular probe to identify and detect exosomes
ELAEXIA® - Elective Labelling of Exosomes for Identification and Analysis
ELAEXIA® FITC can be used for the following applications:
Supportive Data
Left panel: Exosome detected in th cell culture supernatant of breast cancer cells SKBR-3 with ELAEXIA®-FITC by mans if flow cytometry. In the right upper quadrant double positive exosomes are shown whic are ELEAXIA and CD9 positive.
Right panel: Negative control – Treatment with 1% Triton solubilizes the exosomes
-> no vesicles can be detected
Nanoparticle TrackingAalysis (NTA) of exosomes from plasma sorted by flow cytometry and ELAEXIA®-FITC. ELAEXIA© exosomes have the size of 30 to 200 nm.
ELAEXIA® is a registered trademark of therawis diagnostics GmbH
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